*Looks at You* *Smiles* The Spirit of the Most High God Rests Upon you...Those who Seek it...Be consumed in this Hour of Judgment upon the Lands...Know that Hope,Faith and Belief is in the Vessel who Remains in the Presence of the Lord through Supplication, Intercession, through Obedience in their Walk with Christ Jesus our Lord, Savior & Redeemer...The Intimacy is So THICK it can Break The Bones of a Sinner INTO PIECES and the only thing that would Remain is their Spirit...Darken...But Christ Yeshua will Cleanse you as he manifest himself withIN your Wicked Spirit and Make you in the Image of Him who Walked this Land Blameless...Who was Pure and Became Sin for Us...He Took on our Burden and Yoke and Destroyed them...
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Jesus Christ became the Atonement for the Forgiveness of OUR Sins, Redemption of our Soul & Spirit for All Eternity. |
Genesis 3:15 KJV The Lord God spoke these Words to that Old Serpent we know now as satan..."And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
This speaks of how God established a Direct WAR between Him and satan. For Jesus Christ is the ONE who Bruised satan HEAD when he Became the Atonement for Our Sins, Jesus Christ Defeated SIN in the Spiritual Realm, thus CRUSHING satan's Plans of possessing spirits and be an mimic of God. But when it says "Shalt Bruise HIS heel" The LORD GOD was speaking about How when Jesus would Bruise satan's Head it will Bruise his Heel, Meaning Jesus would be Bruised for Our Sins to be a Sweet Fragrance and become a COMPLETE SACRIFICE to those WHO BELIEVETH in HIM would have Eternal Life, Everlasting Life, Spend ALL ETERNITY with The One who CREATED YOU!!!
Verse to confirm Jesus being the one BRUISED
Isaiah 53:5 KJV "But he was WOUNDED for OUR transgressions, he was BRUISED for OUR iniquities: the chastisement of OUR peace WAS UPON HIM; and with HIS stripes WE ARE healed."
*Looks at You* The Word Became Flesh to DIE FOR YOU...He Got up OFF his THRONE to Die for You, and All He wants is for you to be Renewed in your MIND away from the Wickedness of this WORLD and to be CLEAN,HOLY IN YOUR TEMPLE and to allow for the Holy Ghost, The Third Person in the Trinity to Reside in you to be your Witness that Jesus Christ is Your Savior and Redeemer. He Lived Holy and Devoted to the Father so that The Father's Will could be DONE in HIS LIFE and for his Life to be Cut Short so that WE could Spend ALL ETERNITY with HIM.
I Pray that If anyone who has Not Yet accepted Jesus Christ, or Who has Backslide back in the World, what ever your SIN IS, Jesus Christ can WASH IT AWAY!!! his Power is Greater then ANYTHING in this World.
1 John 4:4 KJV
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater IS HE that is IN YOU, than he that is in the world.
*Looks at You* I Pray these Words Bless you and Allow for you to Drop to your Knees in Repentance and If you have NOT been Born again (Baptized) Please Do so at a Church, Does NOT MATTER WHAT CHURCH JUST BE BAPTIZED Thus Then Repent for your Sins and Ask the Lord to Cover you, consume you with the Holy Ghost, Purchase a KING JAMES BIBLE, It is PURE and the First Translation to be Know since it first Surfaced. Read Book of John and KNOW that everything you READ is of TRUTH for God is Not a Man for him to Lie.
Numbers 23:19 KJV "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"
For whatever God has Said in his WORD he will MAKE IT COME TO PASS, Be Humble and Shun in Humility in his Presence Daily for the Coming of the Son of Man is Like a Thief in the Night, NO ONE KNOWS THE DAY OR HOUR OF HIS RETURN NOT EVEN THE ANGELS KNOW, ONLY GOD THE FATHER.
Matthew 24:36 KJV Jesus Said "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."
Mark 13:32 KJV "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
Remain Watching for He will come when No no one expects him, Will he Catch you Doing the Will of the Lord your God?
To God be the Glory, Elohim Avinu, HaMashiach Yeshua,Ruach HaKodesh.
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